Just me and what's going on… Bill

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Working from home Shanna seems to have brought home some minor contagion that just could not resist me.  Left work early yesterday with a low grade fever that seems to be persisting through …Continue reading →

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FFF (FFFF) Ride Went to Medina to ride in the Friendsville Freebie Fifty (Fall Foliage & Frostbite Frolic). It was windy and cold! Weather forecast said we were supposed to have sunshine but …Continue reading →

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ABC Tuesday Botzum ABC Tuesday Botzum by wgreathouse at Garmin Connect – Details.

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Test Ride and Mini Tour Tested the ride to work with Cody today. Shanna joined us for the ride too. We did a quick mini tour of Cleveland’s water front at Brown’s stadium and the …Continue reading →

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Sunday Loop (2010-05-16) I did a short loop on Sunday with Cody and Shanna. Great day for a ride. We had a small problem near the start of the ride with Cody’s bike. …Continue reading →

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Thursday Night Ride with Shanna and Cody Cody has decided that biking is his preferred exercise. I agree completely! He and Shanna joined me for the regular Thursday night AkronBike ride from Deep Lock Quarry. We did …Continue reading →

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Cody and Shanna on the Tandem TAGS: My daughter Shanna and her boyfriend (“prospective future son-in-law”) went biking with me. They rode the tandem together for the first time. Great entertainment fun! Update: This had been posted …Continue reading →